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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 1 - Essentials of Obesity and Eating Disorders

Phase 2 – Case studies on Obesity and Eating Disorders

Teaching/learning method

Case-based learning, discussions, pairwork. Students analyze the content while taking notes.

The teacher can choose to provide the students beforehand with 2-3 questions for which they will have to identify the answers and be ready to discuss during the next phase of the lesson.

  1. Is weight determination sufficient to identify obesity or EDs?
  2. Should the diet plan of a patient with obesity or EDs be changed frequently?
  3. Why is multidisciplinary monitoring in these pathologies essential?

Resources for Obesity

Diet Interventions in Obesity

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Video The Community’s role in the childhood obesity epidemic

The video clip underlines the role of community and environmental factors affecting a child’s diet and physical activity—from the amount of fresh food that was available to them to the opportunities they had for safe play outside—were key influencers in the childhood obesity epidemic. It answers the question: Why “eat less, exercise more” does not work?

Video - Stigma of Obesity

An impressive interview that features a first-hand account of morbid obesity - “nightmare of a life,” and its stigma. It describes the mindset of those impacted by obesity, their struggle and hardships, and also presents a holistic approach of obesity.

Resources for Eating Disorders

Nutritional intervention in a case of Anorexia

Nutritional intervention in a case of Anorexia

The videoclip presents a case of anorexia from a dietetitian’s point of view.
At different points in the videoclip, there are 4 questions which act as brainstorming practice that stimulate the students to anticipate or summarize in order to raise their awareness and increase their autonomy in learning. The lecturer may decide to stop the videoclip during the Questions slides (Q1-Q4) and resume after the students have provided their own written answer. Discussions can follow in the next phase of the lesson.

Case study 2 Anorexia

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Case study 3 Bulimia

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If students work in groups, they could be assigned different case studies. Reporting to class and discussions follow after the individual/ group work time is up.

My Battle with Bulimia – a monologue

This videoclip is a case presentation by an ex-sufferer of bulimia, currently a nutrition-dietetics student. It presents the patient’s perspective of bulimia.

Discussion points

What would be a nutritional intervention in this case of bulimia?

Why is bulimia an eating disorder and not a disease?

What have you learnt about the bulimic patient from this patient’s monologue?

Other resources

Ted-ed Student Talks: I am good enough: My journey of overcoming an eating disorder

Talking about anorexia

Blog post: A man with an eating disorder

Why are Eating Disorders so hard to treat?

Podcast Understanding Eating Disorders