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Interviews with Physical exercise specialists

An online course for master students, students in clinical years, residents and other healthcare staff to develop skills for the integrated management of teenagers with eating disorders and obesity. To access this free content, please register. At the end of the Training Package, a certificate of completion is issued.

Found 4 interviews

Video Title

The power of movement: Health benefits of Physical Activity in Eating Disorders and Obesity Treatment

Pedro Magalhães

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Portugal


The interview includes:
1. Benefits of physical activity for patients with obesity;
2. Recommended activity (frequency, intensity, and time) for patients with obesity and eating disorders; <

How to help guide a teenager on a balanced and quality path to healthy well-being?

Akvilė Lencevičė

Sports and wellness center Apelsinas, Klaipėda University


The video presents examples of real-life problems to change healthy lifestyle skills and leaves room for discussion on what we can offer in the future to change teenagers' attitudes towards healthy bo

“From obesity to pro-active life in teenagers”. Interview with a specialist in physical education


GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș


The main ideas in the interview are:
- the impact of physical exercise on people with obesity and overweight through a changed lifestyle,
- how physical exercises can contribute to optimizing

Physical activity in addressing overweight/obesity problems in adolescents

Biljana Djurić

Department of Physiology and the Department of Sports Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgr


The interview addresses the following issues: 1) The importance of introducing physical activity as a medication to lose more energy 2) The most convenient types of physical activity for overweight