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Interviews with Psychologists

An online course for master students, students in clinical years, residents and other healthcare staff to develop skills for the integrated management of teenagers with eating disorders and obesity. To access this free content, please register. At the end of the Training Package, a certificate of completion is issued.

Found 5 interviews

Video Title

Eating Disorders – Communication, Orthorexia, and the Microbiota


ASL TO3, Centre for Adolescents’ Psychotherapy, Collegno, Turin


The interview includes the following major ideas:
1. Tips for communicating with teenagers with eating disorders and obesity
2. The TransTheoretical Model of Motivational Change of Prochaska

From the Inside Out: Psychological Approaches in the Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders

Melina Ribeiro

Hospital das Clínicas de Itajubá - Brazil


The interview includes:
1. Psychotherapeutic approach used to help patients understand the underlying causes of these disorders
2. Different strategies used for the treatment of obesity and

EDs are a series of multifactorial illnesses

Maria Carrera



Maria Carrera discusses her work as a clinical psychologist working in the Mental Health department at Son Espases University Hospital. She is an expert on eating disorders (EDs) and underlines that:<

Eating Disorders – A Psychologist’s Approach


University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș


The interview includes the following major ideas: 1. How to recognize an eating disorder, 2. Types and major characteristics, differences, and common points for EDs, 3. Factors contributing to ma

An experienced psychologist discusses factors contributing to obesity and depression, and how to prevent them

Jelena Smiljanić

Centre for Prevention and Treatment of Obesity in Children and Adolescents, Special Hospital for Thyroid Gland


The interview revolves around the following subtopics: 1. Communication is recognised as a key factor (National Guide of Good Clinical Practice for Treatment of Obesity, Serbia, 2022); 2. The role o