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Interviews with Communication Specialists

An online course for master students, students in clinical years, residents and other healthcare staff to develop skills for the integrated management of teenagers with eating disorders and obesity. To access this free content, please register. At the end of the Training Package, a certificate of completion is issued.

Found 5 interviews

Video Title

Ethical issues in communicating with patients with obesity


Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol

United Kingdom

1. Body Positivity movement: what is it, and what principles and arguments justify its members' views?
2. The issue of body mass index and the alternative ways to assess the obesity pandemic;

Words that Heal: The Role of Positive Communication in the Treatment of Obesity and ED

Solange Gonçalves

Department of School Education of Vimioso


The interview includes:
1. Definition of positive communication
2. Key characteristics of positive communication
3. Challenges and strategies in positive communication

The Importance of Art Therapy with Teenagers with Aanorexia Nervosa

Eugenia Nadolu



Eugenia Nadolu talks about the work she is doing with teenagers with EDs at the Son Espases University Hospital in Mallorca, Spain. She emphasizes that:
- the number of children suffering from men

The parent-teenager relationship. How to talk to a child?

Eglė Petrauskienė

Klaipeda University


This video tries to help discover the connection between parents and teenagers. This may be the reason why emotional eating occurs. It details on how to talk to a child and why children have eating di

On Communication in Obesity and EDs – Obesity as Emotional Blockage


Scoala de Zen si putere personală, Bucharest:


The interview focuses on communication with obesity and ED patients and covers:
- avoiding criticism and judgment,
- using people-first language,
- exploring unconscious psychological c