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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 6 - Exercise Therapy

Phase 4 - Presentation, Consolidation, Roundup

Teaching/learning method

Student input is reiterated. The teacher highlights key facts and ideas while eliciting them from the students. The students are presented with the two articles below to help them clarify and consolidate the fundamental concepts related to exercise therapy discussed throughout the course.

Resources for Obesity

External link: Online Article

(students read the article prior to attending the class, so that the questions below can be discussed in the class, after the PPT presentation)

What is the difference between physical activity and physical fitness?
The article discusses the key terms used in exercise therapy: physical activity, physical fitness and body weight.


Summarise the answers to the questions from the article:

  1. What is the difference between physical activity and physical fitness?
  2. Why are physical fitness and physical activity important?
  3. What are the benefits of physical activity?
  4. How much physical activity is enough?
  5. How do you measure moderate versus vigorous intensity?
  6. How long does it take to see the benefits of physical activity? What is the relationship between physical activity, physical fitness and body weight?

External link: Online Article

(students read the article prior to attending the class, so that the questions below can be discussed in the class, after the PPT presentation)

Obesity and Exercise
The article discusses challenges that overweight or obese individuals often experience when exercising.

Questions/Discussion points

Find at least five different pieces of advice for/solutions to challenges obese patients face during exercise and provide explanations.