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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 6 - Exercise Therapy

Phase 3 - Discussion/Practical Applications

Teaching/learning method

Discussion, team-based learning, pair work. Students work in a team or in pairs and then report to class their findings. They discuss the answers to a Case study above.

Resources for Obesity

The case of an obese teenage girl

Download the resource in EnglishCzechItalyLithuaniaPortugalRomaniaSerbiaSpain

Resources for Eating Disorders

External link: Online Article

(students read the article in-class and discuss in pairs)

Exercise to treat an eating disorder?
The article succinctly lists how exercise affects those living with an eating disorder.

Discussion points

Choose one aspect that increases and one that decreases with exercise in patients suffering from EDs and discuss why these changes happen and their importance for the patient’s overall wellbeing.