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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 6 - Exercise Therapy


(can be in class or home assignments)

Discussion points

  1. What is exercise therapy?
  2. What role does exercise therapy have in terms of treating obesity?
  3. Is exercise therapy always recommended when it comes to treating EDs?
  4. What is the FITT principle? Why is it important when it comes to treating patients with obesity or EDs?
  5. What role do parents have in terms of helping their children overcome obesity and the negative influence it may have on their mental health?

Critical article reviews

You should carefully read the two articles and respond to the following questions below

(approximately 500 words in total, font: Times New Roman 12, spacing: 1.5, alignment: justified, margins: equal 2cm, page formatting: A4.)

  1. Cook BJ, Wonderlich SA, Mitchell JE, Thompson R, Sherman R, McCallum K. Exercise in Eating Disorders Treatment: Systematic Review and Proposal of Guidelines. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 Jul;48(7), 1408-14.


  1. Why is the involvement of exercise therapy in treating EDs considered beneficial?
  2. Choose 2 to 3 themes, principles, or strategies proving the efficacy of exercise therapy in treating EDs and briefly describe them stating why you believe these are essential for patients with EDs.

Critical article reviews

  1. Quesnel, D. A., Cook, B., & Caperchione, C. (2020). Guiding principles to inform future exercise protocols for eating disorder treatment. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 13(2), 3-15.


  1. What is the FITT principle? Why is it significant in terms of exercise as a therapeutic approach to EDs?
  2. What are the key findings of the study when it comes to the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise protocols that should be followed during ED treatment?

Position papers

Oral argument

Watch a TED-Ed video entitled Beach Bodies (in spoken word)

Then, conduct a peer interview in pairs or groups of 3 to discuss the following questions:

  1. How are obesity and eating disorders (EDs) portrayed in the video? How about the link between food, physical exercise, and body image?
  2. How overwhelming the concept of physical exercise may be for young people? Why?
  3. What can you do to relieve the pressure imposed by the concept of beach body and celebrities who endorse it? Think in terms of the FITT principle and physical therapy counselling you could offer.

You are well-advised to discuss the questions provided in the Think section of this TED-Ed lesson, explore additional resources listed in the Dig Deeper section, and take part in a guided online discussion devoted to body image.

This activity is suitable for hybrid learning environments. Students can organise an online meeting using a platform of their choice to record it and then share the link to the video with the teacher so that this assignment can be marked.

A written report

Watch the video entitled Anorexia Recovery Story: How I Survived an Eating Disorder.

Considering the video above, study materials covered in the class, and recent literature in the field of exercise therapy for treating EDs, write a 750-word essay entitled The Elusive Nature of Eating Disorders: Emerging Approaches to Exercise Therapy as a Means of Empowerment.

Technical requirements:

Font: Times New Roman 12, spacing: 1.5, alignment: justified, margins: equal 2cm, page formatting: A4.

Final presentation

Title 1: Exercise Therapy: An Overview of Exercise Therapy as a Therapeutic Approach to Eating Disorders

Title 2: Exercise Therapy: the FITT Principle and ED-specific FITT Guidelines (see the article by Quesnel et al., 2020)

Students work in teams of 4 to prepare a PowerPoint (or similar) presentation on one of the topics proposed. The presentation should incorporate study materials and research articles recommended during the course, but also students’ own perceptions and stance regarding Exercise Therapy for treating EDs . Duration: 20 minutes.