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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 5 - Treatments Diabetologist

Phase 1 – Presentation

Teaching/learning method

In this phase of the lesson, you will get to know the basics of diabetes, basics of diabetes nutrition, and learn why foot care is important for diabetes patients. Below you will find PPT presentations, a recommended video, and you will consolidate your knowledge by answering questions.

Resources for Diabetes Nutrition


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Download the resource in EnglishCzechItalyLithuaniaPortugalRomaniaSerbiaSpain

Other Resources

What is Diabetes
A video from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offering information on the basics of diabetes. The video gives a graphical presentation of basics of diabetes and also explains why diabetes – if not managed – is serious over time.

Resources for Diabetic Foot Care


Download the resource in EnglishCzechItalyLithuaniaPortugalRomaniaSerbiaSpain

Other Resources

Diabetic Foot Care - Dos & Dont’s’
It discusses how diabetes can cause peripheral neuropathy and lead to a number of complications, including pain, wounds, infection, and amputations. It also explains how peripheral neuropathy can damage the sensory nerves, motor nerves, and autonomic nerves in the feet and legs.