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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 7 - The Humanistic Approach - Communication and humanities

Phase 4 – Presentation – consolidation, roundup

Teaching/learning method

The teacher summarizes the students’ conclusions and rounds up with the major ideas on communicating with patients with obesity and eating disorders. Lecturers will assign one or two additional resources of their choice for students to consolidate their knowledge on essential aspects of obesity and eating disorders.

Further Resources for Obesity

Enough with the fear of fat
The concepts of fatphobia and fat activism are presented.

Further Resources for Eating Disorders

Why dieting doesn’t usually work
The video clip explores the science behind why dieting not only doesn't work, but is likely to do more harm than good. It suggests ideas for how to live a less diet-obsessed life, intuitively.


How is the relationship between weight loss and body resistance explained? Why aren’t diets reliable? What is intuitive eating?

Art Therapy in Action Eating Disorders
Art therapist talks about the transformative potential of art therapy for those with eating disorders, and the role of the therapist in supporting their recovery. Engaging in the creative-expressive Art therapy process in a secure, supportive environment that empowers patients to discover and utilize their own symbolic repertoire for healing.

Questions/Discussion points

Why is art therapy such a good match for patients with eating disorders? What is alexithymia?