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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 4 - Treatments Psychotherapist


Discussion points

  • What are the differences between the types of psychotherapies for ED’s?
  • Which type of therapy you think would be effective for you? Would self-help be enough? Would you be willing to take part in a group session?
  • What do you think can influence the choice of therapy, the course and the outcomes?
  • Research the situation in your country: can you make an appointment with any therapist? Is the therapy covered by health insurance? What are the waiting times for counselling? Is there a way to get treatment rapidly?

Critical article reviews

Paper 1
Before reading a general text about current approach to ED’s in Australia, look at the following questions and note your answers:

  • Where do the most recent advances in treatments come from?
  • What are the other three (apart from CBT) evidence-based psychotherapies based on?
  • What are the newest identified ED’s and why is research urgently needed?
  • Now read the following article:

Hay P. Current approach to eating disorders: a clinical update. Internal Medicine Journal. Vol 50, Issue 1 Jan 2020. p 24-29.

Paper 2

  • Do you know the saying “All that glitters is not gold”? Read the following article that goes a little against the grain. You do not need to spend too much time on the data and statistics, focus on the design, primary outcomes, and discussion.
  • McIntosh V et al. Three Psychotherapies for Anorexia Nervosa: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:741–747)

Now answer the following questions:

  • What is the surprising finding out the study?
  • What are the methodological weaknesses mentioned in the text?
  • What explanations do the authors give for the outcomes?
  • In your opinion, can this research impact the way ED’s are treated and why?

Position papers

An oral argument: receiving counselling is very often seen as a social stigma (going to a “shrink” because one is “crazy”). Prepare a short monologue (or role-play with a partner if available) trying to convince your peer that there is nothing to be ashamed of when seeing a therapist. Prepare a list of arguments and some evidence.

A written report: Write a 3-4 page report on why a person with an ED should seek help from a mental health professional and what she/he should expect. You may use the materials from the module of look up something that is relevant in your country/region. You may include/cover the following areas:

  • When to seek help?
  • Your choice of therapist
  • Availability or cost
  • Psychotherapy treatment options
  • Expected outcomes
  • Prevention of relapse

Final presentation

Choose a topic from below and prepare your 15-minute presentation. The presentation should have a clear purpose and central idea: what do you want to say. The presentation should have an identifiable introduction, body, and conclusion. Support your claims with evidence.

  • The principles of Cognitive behavioural therapy and its limitations (your target audience are secondary school students)
  • What to expect when referred to a psychotherapist with an ED (your target audience is at parents’ meeting)
  • Thought distortions: how our brain cannot differentiate between facts and opinions. (Presentation with exercises)