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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 3 - Nutrition Diagnosis and Treatment


Discussion points

  • What do you think are the practical advantages of using PES sentences in nutritional diagnosis?
  • Did this module improve your knowledge or awareness?
  • Will you do something different in your clinical practice?

Critical article reviews

Please read the articles below carefully, and respond to the following questions in 1 page (double-spaced, 1” margins, Times 12-point font)

European Guidelines for Obesity Management in Adults, by Yumuk at al 2005.


  1. Identify the nutritional interventions recommended for people with obesity.
  2. Comment on whether these interventions would be suitable in your professional practice or out of your scope.
  3. Considering that ideally you will work in multidisciplinary teams what would be your role in the treatment of obesity.

Evidence-based clinical guidelines for eating disorders: international comparison by Hilbert, Hoek and Schimdt at 2017


  1. Compare nutritional intervention guidance for anorexia treatment between different guidelines.
  2. Identify which guidelines mention nutritional intervention in binge eating treatment and key recommendations.
  3. Do the same for bulimia nervosa.

Final presentation

Make a final presentation on the results found in the practical activity (PES - problem, etiology, and symptomatology), as well as the nutritional recommendations aligned with this patient. The presentation must have a maximum of 10 minutes.