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Syllabus of Seminar

Module 3 - Nutrition Diagnosis and Treatment

Course Information


The general objective of this module is:

  • Introduce students to nutritional and dietary diagnosis and treatment to patients with obesity and eating disorders (ED)

Specific objectives:

  • Understand the components of nutrition diagnosis, including the Problem-Etiology-Signs and Symptoms (PES) Statement
  • Know the guidelines for nutritional treatment of patients with obesity
  • Know the main goals of nutritional intervention in patients with eating disorders

Estimated time:

  • 2 lecture hours + 2 seminar hours + 9 individual study and preparation of assignments, self-evaluation

Acquired competences

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Apply different techniques and approaches in patients with obesity and eating disorders
  • Understand and apply the following concepts of nutrition therapy to patients with obesity and eating disorders