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Best practices in communication
Patients with Obesity

An online course for master students, students in clinical years, residents and other healthcare staff to develop skills for the integrated management of teenagers with eating disorders and obesity. To access this free content, please register. At the end of the Training Package, a certificate of completion is issued.

Found 6 interviews

Video Title

How (not) to talk about overweight with a youngster in a family setting -Simulation

The video shows examples of bad and good practice in communication with a young person about being overweight and motivation about a healthier lifestyle. The father uses some good strategies but also makes some unnecessary comments.

Young female, aged 16. The family is concerned about her weight and lifestyle. The father is trying to address

Good practices in communication during nutrition counseling

CONTEXT: Nutrition counseling is a two-way interaction through which a client and dietitian, nutritionist, or other health professional reaches clients in understanding important information about their health and nutrition, such as nutrition assessment and identifying individual nutritional needs and goals. During the counseling, the health professional and client should together discuss ways to meet those goals and next steps, focusing on practical actions, to address nutrition needs as well as behavior changes. We can divide the nutrition consultation into components, such as welcoming, motivation, assessment, and counseling. The main objectives for the welcoming and motivation are to create a favorable environment so that the client feels as comfortable as possible to open the doors of their world to the health professional and at the same time the health professional understands the motivation for this appointment. The main objectives for assessment and counselling components are to evaluate the degree of change in anthropometric parameters, in a way that is less uncomfortable for the patient and make him/her understand the result of this assessment; understand the eating habits, in the most realistic way possible; and carry out the nutritional intervention, defining a patient-centered action plan, directly related with the client's habits, culture and socio-economic issues.

The video can be used in both fields, obesity and eating disorders. We invite you to find out the “do’s” and “don’t’s” during the nutrition counseling, guided by a communication specialist at the nutrition counseling.

Simulation of nutrition counseling with a dietitian addressing good practices in communication during the welc

What are the key points in patient welcoming? What are the key points for establishing consultation and intervention objectives?

How to overcome the threshold of shame and fear prior to a specialist visit?

Gabrielė Guogytė


In the video, psychological problems faced by patients are presented clearly and the question of why they do not ask for specialist help on time is answered.

A Positive Mindset - Simulation in communicating with patients and families

A relative explains how her brother, who is now 14 years old, has always been quite obese. She discusses the problems he faces with a therapist.

A sister explains the problem her brother, Jack, aged 14 years old, has with his weight, to the therapist

Effective communication strategies for patients with obesity

The video presents an initial conversation between a physician and a 15-year-old patient with obesity.

The female patient experiences pressure from other people’s perceptions, especially from her mother and aunt

How to approach the conversation about obesity

The video presents a pediatrician-teenager conversation about being overweight

Female patient, 16 years old, c/o: uneasiness, discomfort, and a sensation of weight in the chest, heartburn,